About Us

About Us

Our brand from yesterday to today
We have been providing water dispenser ozonation and disinfectant services since 2011. The fact that we continue to work with the companies we have worked with for many years is a proof of how successful and expert we are in our business.
Our company, which has been serving you from A to Z in the cleaning of the dispensers, was established within the body of Teknik14 and has individual customers as well as many corporate companies.


Our water dispenser disinfection and repair company that we have established as of 2011
Health priority of you, our valued customers, is in the first place. For this purpose, we carry out the repair, maintenance and disinfection applications of your water dispensers by using ozonation system.
Regardless of the brand and feature, we periodically follow the repair, revision and sanitation processes of many water dispenser brands.
Your water dispensers are taken from your current workplace or ozonation is carried out in the areas where it is located depending on the location and location.

Vision & Mission

Behaving in accordance with the laws and ethical rules in the sector in which we operate, adopting a participatory and transparent management style, prioritizing integration with the customer, constantly investing in research and development by attaching importance to innovations and creativity, and acting in this direction, knowing their responsibilities towards society, the state and the environment. is to become a company that expands its goals by carrying its vision further day by day. In addition, the values we share; honesty, loyalty, pride, ambition, assertiveness, imagination, creativity, realism, tendency to change, team spirit and perfectionism.
To continue to be a company that is always the pioneer and in the best place in every field we serve, preferred by consumers, sensitive to the environment, respectful of the rules, creative and innovative thinking, reflecting the latest technology to its products, trusted and always shown as a reference, and to achieve these goals. Our principle is to provide customer satisfaction by performing our services with the highest quality and in the fastest way.


Etik İlkelerimiz

We are committed to excellence and quality in our products and services.
We work together with our customers and partners to achieve the common goal.
We are truthful and our actions and words are consistent. We act honestly and correctly in all our actions.
Because we are reliable, we deliver the projects on time, keeping the highest standards.


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